Sunday, March 29, 2009


For the past couple weeks, things have been great with the baby. She is about 3.5 mo old right now. I'm not exactly sure how much she weighs or how long she is, but she is getting big! I call her Biggun and my little ChunkMunk. :) She is getting a little better at coordinating her movements, although she can't just reach out and grab something yet. But, of course, everything she does grab ends up right in her mouth! She is drooling a whole bunch now, and has been for about a month now. I'm constantly having to change her bibs because they get so soaked! Maybe a little bit of teething is going on, I don't know, although she seems a little young for that! Maybe I'll have a look in her mouth later and check it out. We're still tackling the 45 minute naps! Which is so frustrating and makes it near impossible to put her on any kind of schedule (I like the word "routine" better :) But I've decided to just quit stressing about it and just go with it. I've read babies outgrow this by about 5 or 6 months.

When I was sick a couple weeks ago, I had to take some meds (I was just too miserable!) and I think the antihistamine I took made my milk supply dip a bit. So frustrating! But I am still able to keep up with her needs and have only supplemented with formula once (at night, and would you believe she slept through the whole night that time? from 7:30-6:45am!) and I might have to use more formula later on, but for right now, I am just happy that I am able to give her whats best while she's still so little, and while it's still RSV season and whatnot. I am still pumping mostly so she is still eating by a bottle, but I try to nurse her atleast once a day for the antibodies and to maybe increase my supply a bit.

We also recently got a video monitor. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, it's a bit overkill, right? And I used to think that, too. Well, with all the sleeping issues we've been having (mostly with naps) and me constantly having the urge to go in her room and check on her, I got one. It wasn't too expensive, I got it for $85 on eBay and I figured it was a good investment since Charlotte is definitely not going to be the last Hill baby. :) Anyways, I LOVE it. I love watching her sleep and love watching her put herself to sleep (something that was not very easy to teach her, that's for sure...) and I can also see that when she's crying, she's not in distress. I can also see right when she's waking up so I can go in and pop that paci back in her mouth so she can maybe extend the nap (and my alone time!) for another hour or so. It has been wonderful having it and I definitely think it should be on any new mom's baby wish list!

And here is a video for your viewing pleasure.... :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back to Work!

So last week was my first week back to work! It went a lot better than I thought it would, although it did take me a couple days to get used to sleeping during the day. It was also my first week of being a nurse without being pregnant, haha! It was definitely much easier than before. I used to have to bring so much food to work with me because I would get so nauseous if I let my stomach get empty! (hello 65 lb weight gain! lol) I like being able to have a break for 3 days out of the week, although I still get to see Charlotte for about an hour total those 3 days. And then we spend 4 days together! It is going to work out great, I think.

This weekend Charlotte and I have also been a little under the weather. I have a horrible cold right now and I have to work tomorrow so I hope I feel better. I would hate to call in on my 2nd week back! How embarrassing! Anyways Charlotte only had a stuffy nose and she coughed and sneezed for a day or two, but she was such a happy "sick" baby! She wasn't fussy at all and slept great, something I was worried about when she was to get sick. I wonder if she only had allergies with all the seasonal changes we are going through right now. She seems to be doing much better now. Which, by the way, I thought breastfeeding was supposed to help babies not get sick! This has been the second time since she was born that she's been sick! So much for all that... :)

For right now, everything has been going great. We are still struggling our way through short naps (45 mins! ugh!) but I've read some info about how to extend them so I am going to be trying some of the tips this week. It worked today for her morning nap, she slept 2 hours! Anyone have any advice for this?? :)

In terms of milestones, not much has been happening! She turned 3 months old today, though! How the time has flown. I can't believe it! Seems only yesterday I was rubbing my tummy and she would kick me and I would press her foot and she would move it back in, lol. Such a little miracle! But she has been much more aware than she used to be and she loves to smile! She hasn't started giggling yet, but I can't wait 'til she does! :) She'll definitely fit into this laughing family! She can lift her head up a bit like you can see in one of the pics above. She also tried to roll over, but not yet! Soon enough though, I'm sure!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pretty in Pink!

Charlotte just seems to be getting so big lately. When I have been bathing her, I've noticed she's almost outgrown the newborn sling part of the baby tub. I remember when she was so tiny and she would only fit in the netted part! ha. She's about 25 inches right now. She's ginormous! I swear I see an extra fat roll in her legs every time I change her diaper. She likes lying on her boppy pillow and kicking her legs and smiling. She has even started giggling a bit! It's so precious. Here are some pictures!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Day!

It's snowing! I haven't seen it snow like this in ages! It snowed about 3 inches around here. So it was baby's first snow day! We didn't stay out in the snow for long, but Charlotte Rose was able to wear her snow outfit for a little while outside, and then she took a nap in it in the swing. My mom also came down the day before and she hadn't been down since Christmas so it was great to have her here and for her to see the baby. She has grown a ton since she has seen her!

Yesterday I was at a women's retreat for my church. It was a great time of fellowship and sermons that I really needed to hear. I realize I have wasted a lot of time during this maternity leave. It is so easy to get caught up in a routine of life, all the while leaving the LORD out of it. I feel ashamed of that and I plan on fixing it. Here is a great software program I found that helps you with Scripture memorization:

This last week has also been very hard on me. I pretty much had a meltdown on Tuesday and Wednesday. I had been reading too many baby books (sleep books, in particular) and I think I had just become too paranoid. I am feeling much better now after talking it over with a couple women from my church whose parenting styles are similar to mine. I've realized that God really is our help in times of trouble and He definitely helped me through it and has given me a spirit of peace about it. I'm just going to raise my baby the way that God has instinctively called me to do it and by His Word, of course! On a side note, it simply amazes me what people will read and implement just because the author says he is a Christian.